War[ring] with[in/out] Heart

Part 1

I send prayers, peace, and sweetness to the spirits of all of those who have lost and who continue to lose their lives in Israel and Gaza in light of the fact that we can’t get our isssh together. I send condolences to your families and loved ones as they experience not only the anguish of losing you, but also the fear of and anger around what continues to occur.

As you join Eegun (Ancestors) in Orun (spirit realm/heaven), I pray that you collectively illuminate that we know what we need to do in order to change our behavior.

As we remember your lives, may we dig deep and remember our humanity.

May we recognize that we know better, and stop feigning ignorance.

May we not blind ourselves with sorrow and hatred; may we instead surrender to a love and hope that remembers we’re all in this together.

May your deaths not be in vain; rather, may they be what ignites true and powerful transformation for the collective good once and for all.

Prayer written 10.9.23.

Part 2

After you have said, read, reflected upon, triggered yourself through, and in any other ways engaged with the above as is, apply it to any other situation occurring today that you can think of. That is the truth of the state of many dimensions you are seeing that are colliding right now.

We don’t change the world, we change ourselves and move to a version of Earth that is more reflective of that which we say we prefer [as described by Bashar]. So if we’re in it and seeing it, then we get to reflect something different to those around us who have bought into the idea of their own disempowerment.

If you skipped the above, I encourage you to go back and read—really take your time with it—in case it is showing you something about yourself that you get to alchemize in this moment. The time is ripe and fertile for metamorphosis.

Written 10.9.23 after I thought I had published the post. Spirit made it clear I forgot some things.

Part 3

In light of all of the conflicts, arguments, back and forth, and all manners of war-ing that we collectively engage in with ourselves, each other, and the Earth (all over Earth), I ask:

~What are we fighting for?

~Is it for breakthrough that supports ALL?

~Is it for peace that supports ALL?

~Is it for understanding that supports ALL?

What is the purpose of fighting when the result continues to be a loss of joy and life for ALL?

The actions of one or a few on any side that take only themselves into consideration is exhausting our collective spirit. We are literally snuffing ourselves out.

We are all one. 

We are each others’ reflection.

Our actions affect each other at some point, in some way, in all directions, within and outside of ourselves. 

There is no outside.

There is no separation.

The attachment to instant soothing and gratification of one side is detrimental to all of us when we don’t consider the possible effect on all of us.

The buck has to stop somewhere.

Someone has to be a true warrior and reflect that fighting from a pure heart  breaks through the corruption.

Someone has to be a true hunter and reflect that we can achieve a goal that supports and sustains all through patience, proper tracking, knowing the right action to take in the appropriate timing. 

Someone has to step into the role of a true planter and harvester by planting seeds of positivity and also recognizing that even what was planted in times of negativity can still yield a positive fruit/crops. It’s not what happens that matters: it’s what you do with what happens. Our character determines it all. 

Sending prayers to all of us as we continue to work out our inner conflicts.

Sending prayers to all of us that we stop projecting them onto others.

May we give up the forms of corrupted fighting we engage in, come together, and work towards collective breakthrough justice, peace and understanding.

Reflection written 10.9.23 after the first draft of the prayer

Part 4

You can’t be a true warrior when your energy is caught up in fighting [within] yourself. 

First of all, not everyone is a warrior. 

Granted, and paradoxically, everyone is a bit of everything and the energies come out whenever we are in situations that require them to do so.

We all have specific roles based on our energetic compositions and destiny. Know what yours is. If everyone is doing the same thing from a place that is not actual or necessary, there is no balance. Plus there is no diversity, which is quite boring and doesn’t reflect Existence. This idea of or desire for homogeneity that many of us collapse into is quite stifling. 

Being a true warrior requires skill, discipline, strategy, patience, discernment, neutrality, and much more. Constant practice, the knowledge of your tools/weapons, and the wisdom of when and how to use them is crucial. 

Also... peace... peace... peace... In Ifa, the traditional Yoruba spiritual, philosophical, and cultural system, there are stories about Ogun, one of the warrior Oriṣa, going out to fight and coming back a peaceful person. If your ultimate intent is not peace, then what is the purpose?

Warriors...if your energy is caught up in your chaos, mind activity, personal history, triggers, or other things that take away from the ability to do what needs to be done with the integrity and intensity it requires, you will be doing something other than what you actually came here to do. 

If all of your actions come from the place of imbalance, negative beliefs, and anxiety, you are not serving anyone, including yourself. In fact, you will be a danger to yourself and those you say you are fighting for. 

Something has to give. You have to let go. What will it be? Your ego, personality, and/or attachment to the past? Or the work...?

Reflection written sometime in 2020. Reposted on 7.8.2021

Part 5


Me reciting the above and giving additional thoughts and reflections during an Instagram Livestream on 7.9.2021

Part 6

Watch and listen while breathing slowly, deeply, and easefully.

Recorded in 2019/2020, released in 2020

Part 7

I look forward to a future/version of Earth where we hold our hands together in joy.

© 2023 by ONYI LOVE ® LLC & Felicia Richards


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