About Onyi
ONYI LOVE LLC is a company with the purpose of supporting humanity on its evolutionary journey of re-imagining spirituality; being at peace and in joy; and remembering its power, beauty and multi-dimensionality.
We empower forward thinking and conscious organizations, healers, leaders, and public to be the best versions of themselves in order to show up fully for the communities they serve.
We specialize in curating transformative experiences that blend beautiful art, spiritual teachings, practical information and guidance.
Creative works that feature or combine musical, visual, and movement arts
Private and public group healing services and events (sound/music-based, talk-based, energy/shamanic-based, or mixed modality)
Facilitation of ritualistic and ceremonial experiences for private or public events
Consultation, education and public speaking
Content and resource creation around spirituality, creative arts, esoteric concepts, self-development, wellness, and healing
We at ONYI LOVE LLC operate from the understanding that the experiences and lives of every being (human and non-human) are beautiful, powerful, and a gift to all of us. It is our birthright and destiny to transform and be in command of our existence.
All services are currently conducted by our founder and CEO, Felicia “Onyi Love” Richards (also referred to as Onyi) either individually or in collaboration with likespirited practitioners and creatives. We are also connected with and continue to build a strong network of persons and organizations that are aligned with our mission and that operate with integrity. We believe that the transformation of the collective can only occur through a collective effort.
Onyi (sounds like “only”) is an abridged version of the Igbo name Onyinyechi, meaning God’s gift.
“What I am actively being is one who is grounding and channeling [my experience of] the divine within and outside of us; and telling stories of dimensions [that many refuse to or cannot see] through the expressions of my body—the voice that is me. I came here to heal, teach, and create. I came here to be seen, heard, and felt. Through my reflection, I am offering humanity the opportunity to: remember beauty, dignity, joy and peace; know and act from connectivity with all of Life; and treat everything and everyone as valid and worthy of existence. I am working towards holistic well being and grounding in the truth that we have the permission to be who we truly are”
Felicia “Onyi” Richards is a Healing Artist, Priestess, and Teacher that utilizes sound, touch, word and movement to support the collective. Described as a leader, medicine-woman, fire-igniter, shamanic practitioner, nurturer of “the tribe,” and much more by her teachers, elders, and colleagues, Onyi has a keen ability to ground, harness, conduct, and hold space for The Divine in various directions, across multiple dimensions, and in deeply transformative ways. In both her personal and professional life, she synergistically blends an ability to detect, interpret, and channel energy with an understanding of the practical, mundane, and grounded elements necessary for engaging with it when it shows up. She holds space for and inspires a remembering of our collective birthright and the only constant in life: change.
Onyi’s priestess and spiritual path includes and is not limited to…
As a part of the Yoruba ethnic group (through her maternal lineage), Onyi considers Ifa—the indigenous philosophical, spiritual, religious, and practical system developed by the Yorùbá people of West Africa—to be a part of her genetic birthright. However, her conscious knowledge and direct relationship with any aspect of the system didn’t begin until 2003.
Since then, and thus far, she has been on a beautiful, touching, and magical journey that has included studying and performing Orisa song, dance, and drumming (since 2003); being a member of Ile Orunmila Afedefeyo (since 2012), the LA-based Ifa community led by Awo Falokun Faṣegun and Iya Fayomi Oṣundoyin Egbeyemi; receiving her one-hand of Ifa i(2015); and being initiated into the priestesshood of Ọ̀ṣun and Ọbàtálà within the Adesanya Awoyade lineage of Ode Remo, Ogun State, Nigeria.
She is grateful to her ancestors, elders, teachers, practitioners of the diasporic expressions of Ifa, the orisa and irunmole for bringing her “back” in order to allow the tradition to move her and her lineage forward in powerful ways.
In addition to being an enthusiastic devotee of this specific system, Onyi is connected to and fascinated by esoteric concepts, ancient wisdom, and modern understanding from all peoples along the spectrum of humanity. It is all interconnected and ultimately merges into one. Below are some of the additional lineages, systems, and institutions she is part of (or has learned from), as well as certifications she has received.
Doula, certified through the Get Rooted Doula Program by Haize Hawke (2021)
PureBioenergy® Therapist, certified by Zoran Hochstatter, who was mentored and entrusted by Zdenko Domancic, creator of the Domancic Method (2019)
Spiritual and metaphysical studies, readings, and rituals/ceremonies/activations with Theresa Fair—priestess of Ọṣun (2012 - 2018)
Integrative wellness and life coach, certified through Integrative Wellness Academy (2016)
Usui & Karuna Reiki Master/Teacher, attuned by Elizabeth DeVries Ridgeway, under the Ute Fleishman and William Rand lineage (2015, 2016)
Studying stones & crystals with Dawn Grzina (2012)
Studying Animal Spirit Guide Medicine with Diana Willoughby, Astrologer, Psychologist, Gifted Seer/Mystic of Celtic and Druid Lineage, with connection to and studies under various peoples indigenous to the Americas, including and especially the Ute (2011 - beyond, may her spirit rest in peace, iba’e)
Member/Student of “The Intimacy Project” with Stan Smith - The study, practice and cultivation of clear and precise communication, transparency and vulnerability, thorough recapitulation, anti-fragility, and tracking the movements of energy, and having proper regard as foundations for true self mastery. (2010 - 2015)
Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Science Psychology, from University of Southern California (USC) (2004)
From a young age until her began college in 2000, Onyi was a devout “born again” Christian, with connection to the Anglican, Seventh Day Adventist denominations as well as non-denominational aspects
Prior to becoming a self-employed entrepreneur in 2018—and while simultaneously pursuing deeper understanding and more informed practices/performances of spiritual and creative arts—Onyi had a 15-year career in Corporate America with the same financial services company. A combination of the various roles and responsibilities she held, and the participation in and witnessing of the company’s trajectory and success allowed for her to cultivate a wide range of skills including but not limited to: effective communication, leadership, project management, administration, and systems learning—testing, training, utilization.
Often referring to herself as both a “student of Life” and a “lifelong student,” Onyi learns from and uses everything for a positive benefit—which often looks like greater self and overall awareness. In doing so, she moves closer to the realization of pure alignment between our finite physical expressions and our infinite spiritual existence.
In everything she does, Onyi is dedicated to guiding people through their journey of grounding, awareness, and love for all. Through her art and healing work (which often overlap), and the cultivation of wisdom she continues to gain from her life experiences, observations, and the teachings of her elders, she assists people in [re]igniting the fires within themselves to create energetic shifts that ripple through every part of their being.