Prepare to…

Simple messages and topics for the initial intention setting to trigger your awareness and inspire a shift in thinking. Each video—1 opening, 1 closing, 9 core program—has a focus that was channelled for each specific day and in the specific 9 part sequence—whether conducted over 9 days, 9 weeks, or 9 months or any other timeframe that is aligned.
9+ Guidance Videos
The midway focalizing point that continues the shift initiated by the Guidance videos. The simple yet rich and multi-dimensional image/mandala/sigil supports in the work of creating new neural pathways and helping you begin or continue moving through and into the depth of who you truly are.
Focusing Symbol
Sonic vibration transmitted through crystal singing bowls and ONYI’s voice that serves to dissolve, clarify, and purify, while also grounding and centering whatever is necessary in relation to the topics of the corresponding Guidance videos. 9 videos contain 1 beginning meditation, 1 Sound Immersion, and 1 ending meditation for a total of 27 tools to use in combined sequence or as individual supports systems.
27 Sound Immersions/Meditations

Experience Now!
Lifetime access for those establishing or enhancing a consistent practice around energetic/spiritual hygiene.

A Preview…

Those in the middle of a transition/breakthrough who need support moving through it all
Those interested in transforming ideas, beliefs, and perspectives that no longer serve them.
Those desiring more grounding, peace, and joy.
Those who resonate with simple exercises, meditation and sound based healing work (voice and crystal bowls)*.
Those who found this program through synchronicity and are willing to surrender to the unknown and see how life unfolds.
*Accessibility & Participation:
All videos are captioned for those who require that feature.
The vibrations transmitted by and within the Sound Immersions can be experienced on many levels outside of physical healing. We encourage you to not let this element be a deterrent.
Watch* the Guidance video in the morning…
Meditate on the Focusing Image in the afternoon afternoon…
Listen* to the Sound Immersion in the evening…
Pay attention to how you feel on all levels…
Allow your body to heal itself.
Detailed instructions provided within program after purchase.
*See the next menu item for Accessibility information.
It is different from food-related conventional cleanses. Rather than focusing on the physical body or cleansing through food/diet, it focuses on the "non-physical" bodies (i.e., energetic, emotional, mental, etc…) and behaviors.
We often overlook these areas (or look at them last) because of the hyper-focus on the body in today’s world from a place that can sometimes speak to anxiety, judgement, and comparison. Ironically, when we address the energetic/spiritual bodies, shift our thoughts and behaviors, and engage our emotions differently, more often than not a shift in the physical body naturally follows!
It can be done as a standalone or in conjunction with other rituals, ceremonies, cleanses, detoxes, fasts, etc. at any point that feels aligned.
It can be self-directed and done individually, and can be experienced in community.
Contact us if you would like Onyi to curate and lead a program for your/your community to…
Initiation, continue or finalize a major transition
Celebrate a solar return/birthday
Welcome seasonal changes
Honor a New Moon, Full Moon, Eclipse
Start or end a year/cycle
Commemorate any timeframe that is significant for you
And more!
Anywhere you have internet connection.
Anywhere you can be grounded, undisturbed, and comfortable.
We strongly advise that you do not watch/listen to the content while driving or operating heavy machinery.
There are a few pricing options based on your preference.
Due to the nature of this resource and the space ONYI is holding for it, the content is not downloadable. Those who purchase will have lifelong access, while those you subscribe will have access for as long as they maintain their subscriptions.
As long as you have stable access to the internet/wifi, you will be able to access the content.
This program contains high frequency vibration across verbal instructions, Sound Immersion using the human voice and crystal singing bowls. Know yourself and what resonates with you before beginning.
We recommend you follow our steps for moving through the program in general, and at the very least the first time you do so.
These videos are brought to you by ONYI LOVE LLC. The information contained within them are for educational purposes only. Users assume the benefits and risks of all content provided in these videos. In no event shall ONYI LOVE LLC or its affiliates be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, implied, punitive, special, incidental, or other consequential damages arising directly or indirectly from any use of the information contained in any of the content videos.
Spiritual and energy guidance/healing is not a substitutes for medical or psychiatric examination or diagnosis when such is necessary. It is advised that you consult with a physician, psychologist/psychiatrist for any and all challenges related to your physical or mental health. For medical /psychiatric emergencies, please call 911.
All images, sounds, and copy are copyright © from 2015, Felicia Richards. Licensed to ONYI LOVE LLC. All Rights Reserved. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution is prohibited.
Read the full ONYI LOVE Terms of Service.
Interested in having ONYI LOVE lead the Soul Cleanse for your group?