SPRING Ritual for Alchemizing Beliefs


    • The desire, willingness and courage to be honest about, courageous around, and strategic with your negative beliefs—or any belief, for that matter, that is no longer relevant for you regardless of its energetic frequency.

    • 2 sheets of paper and a writing instrument. For this work I highly recommend hand writing on physical paper versus typing into an electronic device.

    • A bowl of water that can placed under or next to your bed without disturbance.

  • Step 1

    At the top of both sheets of paper write: #1: All beliefs are valid and have equal weight.

    (See the section “Working with Negative Beliefs” below if there is a trigger, or if you’re just curious. Otherwise, proceed).

    Step 2

    • Ground yourself in ways that align for you.

    • Place one hand on your head and the other on your heart.

    • Take 3 deep nourishing breaths.

    • Ask out loud: Body, what beliefs are you ready to alchemize at this time?

    • Wait for at least 1 minute.

    • Write down up to 8 beliefs that came up on one of the sheets of paper, numbering them starting at #2 (you already have #1 as provided above).

    Step 3

    • Read the list aloud, starting from #1. Read each belief with conviction—no matter how negative some (or all items) may be. Take your time and say them with conviction. If you find yourself having a response—no matter what it is—let the energy shift itself. Breathe, move, shake, dance through it all as needed.

    Step 4

    • Put the list down.

    • Place one hand on your head and the other on your heart.

    • Take 3 deep nourishing breaths.

    • Say aloud: I give gratitude for the opportunity and courage to alchemize these beliefs.

    Step 5

    • On the second sheet of paper, write down the positive/elevated/new preferred expression of the beliefs from the first list. For example, if #2 within list one is, I will never find true love, a counterpart on list two can be, There is an abundance of love within, outside of, and for me.

    Step 6

    • Read the list aloud, starting from #1. Read each belief with as much conviction as (if not more than) how you read the first list. This time, Touch your head to the ground after reading each belief from this list. With each head-to-Earth touch, really imagine the energy of connection, grounding, and rewiring. If you find yourself having a response—no matter what it is—let the energy shift itself. Breathe, move, shake, dance through it all as needed.

    Step 7

    • Put the list down.

    • Place one hand on your head and the other on your heart.

    • Take 3 deep nourishing breaths.

    • Say aloud: I give gratitude for the opportunity and courage to integrate and embody these new beliefs.

    Step 8

    • Take the bowl of water and speak words of gratitude into it. Ask that it continue the alchemical and cleansing work in your sleep and dreaming.

    • Place the bowl of water under your bed (if possible) or on the ground next to it.

    Step 9

    • Place the list with the positive/elevated/new preferred beliefs under your pillow and the old/negative beliefs in a pile away that is not in your way.

    Step 10

    • Document everything that comes up after you wake up the next day (and throughout the day).

    • Remove the list from under your pillow and either keep it, or place it with the other list and either rip and discard, burn, or bury…do what feels most aligned.

  • In the event there is some triggering around the idea of all beliefs being valid or the practice of saying your negative beliefs aloud…

    Consider the perspective that regardless of our preference for something, the fact that it exists is evidence of its validity—because otherwise it wouldn’t be here. However, something being valid does no equate to us preferring, liking, loving, agreeing with it or in other ways condoning it. Multiple truths can exist at the same time.

    For the purpose of this ritual, we are playing with the idea that many of us give more weight to our negative beliefs than our positive beliefs and thus keep ourselves stuck under the illusion of their power over us. I have literally heard individuals espouse the belief that negativity outweighs positivity and give statistics around it. I am choosing a different perspective by giving them all the same weight; hence, including the step of writing of the same line on both sheets of paper.

    I find there is a grace and acceptance in this practice of equity. It moves in a different direction that what we are accustomed to doing—invalidate what we don’t prefer—in light of our conditioning. Making this radical choice lends itself to the process of neutralization and alchemy.

    If we choose the belief that All beliefs are valid and equally weighted, then there is no reason the new and positive beliefs you choose through conducting this ritual could not easily take the place of and be just as true as the negative beliefs. It is always our choice as to which direction we focus our energy. To lean into what is truly coming up around the trigger here is to catch any ways in which you are tricking yourself away from your metamorphosis.

    All of that being said, if you can not get past the triggers, if you have a taboo against any degree of proximity to speaking negativity about yourself given any specific sensitivities you need to be mindful of, release the ritual and do something else that works for you.

    You get to choose. Life is abundant. There are an infinite number of practices, modalities, permission slips, and other resources to help you help yourself. The ability and courage to say “No” to something that truly isn’t aligned for you is a powerful thing.

  • Conducting this ritual one day is quite powerful—even if the shifts are subtle, they are absolutely there.

    If it feels aligned to engage with the practice a few days in a row, spread out over the course of a specific timeframe, listen to yourself.