An offering of love.
A call to collective action.
A remembering of and return to reverence.
A global ritual as Humanity undergoes a metamorphosis.

Presented and performed by


Composed and Produced by

Tristan de Liège

Purchase the FORIBALE album:

  1. Send a payment of $10 or more to one of the following with the note “FORIBALE purchase” and your email address:

    • Venmo: @ONYI LOVE LLC

    • Cashapp: $ONYILOVELLC

      You receive a code to download the EP from Bandcamp 24 hours after sending the funds. We receive 100% of what you send.

  2. Purchase the album within Bandcamp on a Bandcamp Friday (1st Friday of each month). We receive 93% (minus processor fees).

  3. Purchase the album on any other day through Bandcamp. We receive 82% (minus processor fees).

FORIBALE is also available on all streaming platforms! So in addition to your direct purchases, your listens support our numbers.

Thank you for you support in all the ways you can give it!